Guitar III w/ Gabriel Olin

Wednesdays, 8:30-9:45 pm, beginning July 10
$120.00 advance / $130.00 after July 1
Register online

Guitar III continues where Guitar II left off. In this class, students will learn: a new song, minor blues, barre chords, strumming techniques that add flare to rhythm playing, note all the way up on 5th and 6th strings, bending and vibrato, and additional useful chords and scales.

*Required for the class: guitar, an electronic tuner, a pick.

These items can be purchased in Berkeley at The Starving Musician.

(Minimum class size 3 students.)

Gabriel Olin has been teaching popular styles of guitar since 1990. His method focuses on strong foundations, good technique and helping each student become the kind of guitarist they want to be.

Visit Gabe's website


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