Beatles Guitar w/ Gabriel Olin

Wednesdays, 7:00-8:15 pm, beginning November 9
$120.00 advance / $130.00 after October 31
Register online

This course will cover several classic Beatles songs, exploring the diverse approaches of the three guitar playing members of the band, and the sometimes surprisingly challenging chords and riffs that forever changed popular music.

*Prerequisite: Ability to switch between basic chords such as A, C, D, E and G comfortably.

Required for the class: guitar (acoustic or electric), an electronic tuner, a pick.

Students bringing an electric guitar must also bring a small practice amp (10 watts or less) and a cable.

Gabriel Olin has been teaching popular styles of guitar since 1990. His method focuses on strong foundations, good technique, and helping each student become the kind of guitarist they want to be.

Visit Gabriel's website


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